Hi everyone~
Hope you're fine
So this time I'm coming up with a thought I recently had:
"Feeling like an alien,
when you try to explain what cosplay is..."
Do you guys know this awkward feeling too?
I've been asked the last few months a lot of times what my hobby is
I'm always answering with 'well you might not know what it is but...I'm a cosplayer so my hobby is cosplaying *happyderpysmiletimemodeon-boop*'
I've been confronted with...3 different reactions.
Let's start with the most common one:
The one you're talking to pretend thinking about the word, like if he already heard about it.
Then looking at you like 'whut?'
I always smile when I see this reaction, trying not to laugh in their face, but sometimes it's really hard not to start giggling at least.
After a short explanation there will be a short break...a very embarassing silence, while my face turns redder and redder...then the questions begin.
'So...you're dressing up as sailor moon for example?'
'Isn't it weird? I mean...you're already an adult...'
'No way...you're kidding~ aren't you?'
'To sum up...you're freak?'
After I answered all of those questions people will still see me as a freak.
They might say that I have a talent in sewing or that I'm a creative person but nevertheless I'm still a freak, to whom they're better not speaking to in the near future. I'm always sad that those people don't even try to understand what cosplaying is...that it's more than just dressing up as someone else, or taking photo's and being an 'alien'.
I still have this hope that maybe one day they'll understand, but well...everyone has their own opinion, so I'm not gonna try to change it, and I'm glad that there are also some other reactions, like the one's who truly understand my feelings towards cosplaying:
second reaction:
after people asked me to show my cosplay pics.
'O.O Whut? That's you?! Really? Oh my god! You're so cute! Oh my god I mean....wow!'
I'm always happy when I see that they really appreciate my work and that they see how much I love cosplaying. A lot of those people ask me, if they can start cosplaying too, or if they have to take some lessons somewhere before they can become a cosplayer (so cute haha xD). I always answer that everyone can cosplay, or at least try to cosplay to see if they like it. They could go to a convention to see in real life what it is about and so on.
My best friend was like that. She first was very astonished, then smiled even brighter than me and didn't stop to give me compliments. Afterwards she also wanted to go to a convention, so I took her with me. She was cosplaying as Miyu from Vampire Princess Miyu and Asa Shigure from Shuffle! She told me that she never thought that the atmosphere at a con would be so great. I was very happy, that she was interested in my hobby and showed me how much she appreciate the work of the cosplayers. She didn't thought that cosplaying would be such a hard work and at the same time something so wonderful.
I'm sure that some other people I talked to will go to a convention too, or start to research a bit more about Cosplay. Sometimes they ask me about something they found on internet (often negative comments or documentaries etc.) and then I start to explain again, like why I'm cosplaying and that those documentaries often tell lies a.s.o
Third and last reaction:
'Wait...wait! You're Cosplayer?! And why didn't you told me this earlier? WOHOOOOOO I KNOW A COSPLAYER!'
'...I know this cosplayer...Wait! Don't tell me...IT'S YOU?! O.O'
The most funny one in my eyes~
Particularly if I didn't know myself that they watch anime's, read magas and know about cosplay.
The last six months I got those reactions like...8-10 times.
Two times I got the answer:
'Please...I normally don't beg for anything bit please...Marry me!'
oh...and this sentence came from good friends of mine I know already a few years but never ever told them, that I'm a cosplayer~ haha, so cute xD
Well in front of them I don't really feel like an alien, but more like a magician or a god, hahaha~ But I'm still not used to those kind of reactions |D
Well that was all I wanted to write down for my first 'random thought'-post.
Hope you all enjoyed it
Have good day~ and
See you next time
baibai ♥
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Magician 8D |
Hahah great post! I know what you mean