
Random thought #01

Hi everyone~
Hope you're fine 

So this time I'm coming up with a thought I recently had:

"Feeling like an alien, 
when you try to explain what cosplay is..."

Do you guys know this awkward feeling too?

I've been asked the last few months a lot of times what my hobby is
I'm always answering with 'well you might not know what it is but...I'm a cosplayer so my hobby is cosplaying *happyderpysmiletimemodeon-boop*'

I've been confronted with...3 different reactions.
Let's start with the most common one:


Review: Starmish brown by honeycolor.com (ノ≧∀≦)ノ

Hi everyone~

As promised my review for the starmish brown circle lenses I bought from honeycolor
You can get the lenses here.
The shipping was very fast, it took only three days O.O
I bought them for my Karin Maaka Cosplay last year and searched for a more golden tone. I already tried other lenses but was always disappointed, so I was a bit worried about the starmish brown.
When I got them I was super excited to try them on...and wow...I was so amazed by the color and the comfort!
But now let's get started with the review:
Brand: GEO
Base Curve: 8,7mm
Water Content: 38%
Lifespan: 1 year


Welcome ლ(⌒▽⌒ლ)

Hi there 

I'm glad you find your way to my blog and I hope you'll enjoy it.
I've already had a blog with the same name
but I deleted it, because I didn't really know how to use it.
This will be therefor my second try

For the first post I'm not sure what to write down.
This blog will be mostly about some cosplay stuff, reviews, make-up testshots progress pics and convention reports. Maybe I'll share with you some random thoughts too~
hn~ yesterday I bought 25m of fabric and some accesories for my future cosplays. It was super cheap (mostly about 3-7€/m) so...I was a bit like:

Lucky me “ψ(`∇´)ψ fufufufu~

Heisuke & Souji were watching me >D
And here are my other fabrics~ I won't use a lot of them, so if somebody is interested in one of this fabric, just tell me~

I have a huge amount of black fabric, which I don't use
(also the striped one, the beige, light purples and some red & pink fabric)

Next post will be about a little review of my Starmish brown circle lenses I got from honeycolor
I hope you enjoyed this post so far and...
See you next time
